What's the difference between a GHz and a GS? - Effective Bits
Aug 8, 2011 · In short, gigahertz (GHz) is a measure of the frequency content that the scope can see, and gigasamples per second (GS/s) is a measure of the digitizing rate of the scope.
详解示波器的三个主要参数:采样率,存储深度,带宽 - 知乎
Dec 16, 2021 · 示波器在测量信号时,需要这样,一个一个点的对波形进行采样,显然,这样的采样点越多,所测到的波形,就越接近最真实的波形。 如果采样的点数过少,波形就会失真。 如一台示波器标注的采样率是:1GSa/s。 sa就是sample ,样本,样品意思。 1G = 1000MB = 1000 000KB = 1000 000 000字节。 即,每秒可进行10亿次采样。 一次采集一个字节。 注意,这只是示波器标注的最高采样率。 它在实际使用时的采样率还受限于另外一个参数: 存储深度。 2.存 …
5 GS/s Oscilloscopes – Mouser - Mouser Electronics
5 GS/s Oscilloscopes are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for 5 GS/s Oscilloscopes.
A 5-GS/s 10-b 76-mW Time-Interleaved SAR ADC in 28 nm CMOS
Abstract: This paper presents a 5-GS/s 12-way 10-b time-interleaved successive approximation register (SAR) ADC for direct sampling receivers. Proper signal and clock distribution along the multiple channels are utilized to mitigate interchannel bandwidth and timing mismatches.
What to look for when choosing an oscilloscope
Aug 29, 2020 · For example the Pico Technology 12-bit ADC-212/100 will sample at 100 MS/s real-time or, for repetitive waveforms, at 5 GS/s. Figure 1a shows a 20 MHz square wave captured with a sampling rate of 50 MS/s—almost unrecognizable compared to Figure 1b, the same wave captured at 5 GS/s.
Help with oscilloscope - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
Nov 27, 2012 · It basically means that 100MHz is the cutoff frequency for both scopes. The samples per second is the resolution of the scope. If you zoom in on a signal the non-interpolated data points will be 0.5 ns apart for the 2GSa/s scope and 1 ns apart for the 1GSa/s.
Mixed Domain Oscilloscopes - Tektronix
Discover and solve issues quickly by performing system level debug on mixed signal embedded systems including today's most common serial bus technologies with the 6-in-1 MDO3000 and support for a broad set of common serial buses.
New PC-Based 5 GS/s Oscilloscope First to Be Powered by USB
Jun 19, 2024 · Pico Technology has unveiled the PicoScope 3000E, the “world’s first USB-powered 5 GS/s oscilloscope.” The new oscilloscope series builds upon Pico Technology’s previous USB scope offerings and offers designers new bandwidth and acquisition rate limits.
PicoScope 6000E Series ultra-deep-memory oscilloscopes - Pico …
Aug 10, 2012 · The PicoScope 6000E Series fixed-resolution and FlexRes oscilloscopes provide 8 to 12 bits of vertical resolution, 1 GHz bandwidth and 5 GS/s sampling rate, and now includes the four-channel PicoScope 6428E-D which offers 3 …
TDS5000 Series Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope Datasheet
The TDS5000B Digital Phosphor Oscilloscopes (DPO) deliver 350 MHz, 500 MHz, or 1 GHz bandwidth, 5 GS/s real-time sample rate, up to 16 M record length, and a suite of advanced triggers, enabling you to capture and characterize even your most demanding signals.
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