GSSI Logo Usage Guide | January 2018 | page 3 GSSI color palette: CMYK, RGB, Pantone, Websafe For Adobe applications, .ase file (GSSI_LOGO-USAGE.ase) is included.
GSSI resources - GSSI
gssi logo and guidelines. gssi logo files.zip. Governance. GSSI charter 2021. gssi deed of incorporation. Address. Donkere Spaarne 26 Rood 2011 JG Haarlem The Netherlands. Contact us. Partner enquiries T: (+31) 6 30 68 06 91 Admin & operations T: (+31) 6 53 19 24 92. E: [email protected].
GSSI - Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative
The FAO Guidelines are at the heart of all GSSI programs, bringing sustainability to the forefront of the work being done in the seafood sector and to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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gssi 自成立以来,一直与联合国粮食及农业组织(fao)及其成员国紧密合作,在海产品行业实施并倡导国际商定的准则和契约。 o 粮农组织准则是所有GSSI计划的核心,将可持续发展带到海产品行业当前工作的最前沿,并促进联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)。
The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) Steering Board recognizes the Iceland Responsible Fisheries (IRF) to be in alignment with all applicable essential components of: A Section A. Governance of Seafood Certification Schemes
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GSSI apporte des solutions là où de la clarté est nécessaire: Notre Outil Global de Référence vise à donner plus de confiance dans les produits de la mer certifiés et à promouvoir l’amélioration des programmes de certification
Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification. On 4 October 2017, The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative formally recognized the Best Aquaculture Practices Certification (BAP) for the scope of Aquaculture. BAP has now been successfully re-benchmarked for their BAP Farm Standard (version 3.1, 2021), Salmon Farms Standard (version 2.4, 2016), and Mollusk Farms Standard (version 1.2, 2021).
On 17 September 2018 The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) provided formal recognition of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Certification for the scope of Aquaculture. On 10 October 2023 GSSI provided recognition under Version 2.0 of the Global Benchmark Tool.
GSSI recognized certification - GSSI
Feb 17, 2025 · GSSI recognized certification. Once a scheme successfully completes the Benchmark Process, the scheme is formally and publicly announced as ‘GSSI recognized’.
The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) Steering Board recognizes Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) to be in alignment with all applicable essential components of: A Section A. Governance of Seafood Certification Schemes B Section B. Operational Management of Seafood Certification Schemes C Section C. Aquaculture Certification Standards