Gaura - Wikipedia
Gaura was a genus of flowering plants in the family Onagraceae, native to North America. The name was derived from Greek γαῦρος (gaûros) meaning "superb" and named in reference to the stature and floral display of some species in this genus. [ 1 ]
How to Grow and Care for Gaura (Wandflower) - The Spruce
Jun 11, 2024 · The gaura plant, also called wandflower or bee blossom, is a low-maintenance, long-blooming native perennial with lance-like foliage. Wiry flower stems feature many 1-inch, four-petalled white or pink flowers looking like butterflies on long stems.
How to Grow and Care for Gaura (Beeblossom) | Gardener’s Path
May 13, 2023 · Gaura, Oenothera lindheimeri, is an herbaceous perennial species that grows 15 to 60 inches tall and spreads up to 36 inches in dense, basal clumps. Also known as beeblossom, butterfly flower, wand flower, and whirling butterflies, the long, wiry flower stems continue to elongate as they grow.
Gaura Planting, Care, & Propagation Guide - The Garden Magazine
Aug 16, 2023 · Gaura, also known as the “Whirling Butterflies,” is a perennial plant that boasts delicate, star-shaped flowers that dance gracefully in the breeze. With its long blooming period, low maintenance requirements, and ability to attract pollinators, Gaura has become a favorite among gardeners and plant enthusiasts alike.
Gaura Flowers: Planting, Growing, and Caring for Gauras
Gaura, also known as apple blossom grass, Lindheimer’s bee blossom, wand flower, and whirling butterfly, is a beautiful, delicate addition to your flower gardens and containers. Learn more about how to plant, grow, and care for Gauras.
Cuidados de la gaura, una planta perenne de belleza singular
Gaura (Gaura lindheimeri) es una planta perenne de bajo mantenimiento de aire silvestre y delicado, pero muy resistente. Su nombre proviene de la palabra griega «gauros», que significa «magnífico», y al que hace absoluta justicia por su belleza y fortaleza .
11 Different Types of Gaura Flowers For Your Garden - Epic …
May 29, 2024 · In this article, gardening expert Jill Drago lists 11 different types of gaura for your garden. Gaura is a beautiful herbaceous perennial native to the southern regions of the United States. If you have not grown this plant or are not familiar with it at all, you’ve been missing out!
How to Successfully Grow Gaura: A Field Guide to Planting, …
With well-draining, sandy soil, gaura reqiures nothing more than full sun to thrive. Dancing pinkish-white whirly gigs on the end of long, slender stalks pretty much sums it up. Gaura is a low-maintenance perennial wildflower that will fill a garden with life from spring through early autumn.
Gaura Plant Care | How to Grow Bee Blossom - Balcony Garden Web
May 31, 2024 · Gaura Plant Care and Growing are easy as this stunning perennial wildflower is low maintenance. Check out How to Grow Gaura to flaunt its beautiful blooms in your garden! Botanical Name: Oenothera lindheimeri. USDA Zones: 5-9. Common Names: Wandflower, Butterfly gaura, Whirling butterfly, Siskiyou pink.
How to Grow Gaura Plants: Tips for Beautiful Blooms | Garden …
Native to grasslands and prairies of Texas, Louisiana, and northern Mexico, Gaura is carefree and tolerant of heat, drought, and humidity. Plants develop a deep carrot-like taproot that allows them to survive extended periods of drought. Here’s how to grow and use gaura in your landscape.