Something the anime wasn't able to convey: Goku's sadness when …
If the anime has an angry Goku face, and the manga has a sad Goku face, I'd say Resurrection F's version of the fight has a disappointed Goku face. He's kinda looking down on Frieza and judging his life descisions.
What are your top 5 most emotional/sad moments in the DB series?
Nov 30, 2020 · Vegeta's speech to Goku on Namek before he dies. This moment shows Vegeta's character development, changes Goku's thinking of the Saiyans, and causes him to accept his Saiyan heritage more. Goku sacrifices himself to protect the Earth from Cell. Gohan as a Super Saiyan 2 ragdolls Perfect Cell and even caused him to revert to his Semi-Perfect state.
Why do people think Goku was sad when he thought he had killed …
Goku don t wish to kill anybody. I dont understand why there uestion here, he give him a last chance, he did t take it like goku hope he do, finish him, sad to have kill someone, go next... Pretty simple. Don t over think it. It why goku is fantastic character even the worst happend he give a chance to anybody to come back in his side.
Was the ending to Dragon Ball Z supposed to be sad? Because it …
Oct 29, 2021 · It wasn't meant to be sad. Goku wasn't just leaving to train Uub. Uub is Buu who was the strongest enemy Goku fought in the original Dragon Ball manga. Goku wanted to fight him again. Goku wanted Uub to master his strength …
Why do people think Goku was sad when he thought he had killed …
Mar 13, 2024 · People look at the face he makes after blasting Freeza and conclude that it was him being sad or regretful over it, but that never made any sense to me. Why would Goku feel sad about killing the guy who just a few minutes ago killed his best friend? No, the face he made was clearly just disgust and pity over Freeza's pathetic end.
Did Goku feel any remorse or regret after "killing" Freeza on
Goku in the end is a kind and compassionate person, he is the representation of a Buddhist, he defenitely was feeling sad when he killed him. Honestly I love that page, cause even without dialogues it totally represents Goku's character.
Thoughts On The Ending of Goku Black's Arc? : r/dbz - Reddit
Apr 21, 2017 · This is far more than a sad ending, GT was a sad ending, this was a tragic ending, in the end of GT Goku is dead but he succeded in saving the earth one last time, he died while knowing that his family and friends are going to continue having a normal life, but this is terrible, he didn't only fail to beat zamasu, everyone he tried to protect ...
In your opinion, what’s the saddest moment in the series ... - Reddit
Personally, I actually thought the moment that Goku has to return to the afterlife was incredibly sad when Goten (again) is in tears because he wants a hug from his dad and doesn’t know how to say it. It didn’t turn out to be the case, but for all he knew at the time, it would be the first and last hug he would get from his father.
Saddest moments in all of the series combined. : r/dragonball
Sep 17, 2020 · In order of DB to current[Moments made me sob a bit and not entirely sad themselves]: Goku climbing up the tower to get strong enough to avenge Bora's father. Goku Meeting Grandpa Gohan Goku getting cheated by "circumstance" at then end of the second tournament Krillins death Roshi's death Krillin waking up and unable to thank Goku
At the end of the Frieza arc, after Goku beats Frieza and when
Dec 20, 2019 · Goku will happily kill evil people that he thinks pose a danger. Goku tried to let Freeza go just as he did let Vegeta go in the Saiyan arc, it was the same scenario except that Freeza forced Goku to blow him away while Vegeta just left. Not the same scenario at all. Hell, Goku told Freeza to go away and that he didn’t want to see him again.