Slide Horn (Corno/Tromba da Tirarsi) - Hampson Horns
Introducing our Slide Horn, also called a Corno or Tromba da Tirarsi. We collaborated with builder Susan Anderson of Jackalope Brassworks in Portland, Oregon to create this unique instrument capable of playing baroque music calling for the Corno/Tromba da Tirarsi to new music written today in modern and jazz styles.
Slide Horn - Hampson Horns
We offer a wide range of horns to suit a variety of budgets and playing styles, including both new and used instruments. We also have a team of technicians on hand to ensure that everything is in top condition.
Slide Horn Roundtable - International Horn Society E-Newsletter
Sep 26, 2021 · A roundtable Zoom chat between the builder, composer, and performer of the newly developed Slide Horn for the International Horn Society E-Newsletter. Susan Anderson - Builder, Owner of...
Slide Hampton - Wikipedia
Locksley Wellington Hampton (April 21, 1932 – November 18, 2021) was an American jazz trombonist, composer and arranger. [1] . As his nickname implies, Hampton's main instrument was slide trombone, but he also occasionally played tuba and flugelhorn. Locksley Wellington Hampton was born on April 21, 1932, in Jeannette, Pennsylvania. [2] .
Horns – EGGER
The horns can be used universally and can be tuned in all common as well as in all exotic tunings – for each modern (440 Hz), Classical (430 Hz) and Baroque (415 Hz) tunings. The Raoux Horn can also be equipped with a sauterelle (valve block) and thus corresponds to …
French horn - Wikipedia
The French horn (since the 1930s known simply as the horn in professional music circles) is a brass instrument made of tubing wrapped into a coil with a flared bell.
Patterson Triple – Patterson Hornworks
Our Triple Horn plays independently well in F, Bb and F-alto. All three sides of the instrument play exceptionally smooth and with a great sound. The tone match between the 3 horns is excellent.
Slide Horn in th Woods | Anyone recognize this tune? Decided
Anyone recognize this tune? Decided to bring the slide horn (corno da tirarsi) into the woods today.
Tuning the French Horn [In-depth guide w/ images]
Most double horns feature at least the following slides: the main tuning slide, an F tuning slide, and six slides for the valves (3 each for the F and Bb side). You can find the exact slide arrangements (and which slide does what) at the bottom of this page.
Ask Dave: What to do about Loose Slides - Horn Matters
Apr 15, 2011 · I’ve heard some players say, “My horn seems to be eating slide grease these days!” The usual culprit is a loose slide which allows the grease to run down into the valves, obviously risking gummed-up valves. Double trouble! But what about the long term? Take your horn to a repair technician.